Tourist attraction in Banten

Ujung Kulon National Park
Ujung Kulon is one of the national parks and nature conservation sites in Indonesia. at this location, we can see the beauty of tropical forests. The One-horned rhino is endemic species of this reserve. This location consists of several small islands, some of which are Peucang Island, Handeuleum Island, and Panaitan Island. The highest point is Mount Honje. The characteristics of this national park is its role as a natural habitat for various types of protected animals, such as the Java rhinoceros, deer, antelope, banteng, various primates, wild boar, jungle cats, lemurs, and many kinds of birds.

This region can be achieved through the village Panimbangan or via the sea by boat to one of the existing island. Ujung Kulon has been equipped with various means of telecommunication networks, electricity, and clean water. Tourism facilities such as accommodation, information center, tourist guides, and transportation also available. UNESCO has declared that the area is World Heritage Site in 1991.

Mount Karakatoa
Mount Krakatau is located in the waters of the Sunda Strait. It is one of the most famous volcanoes in the world, because of the tremendous eruption in 1883. The noise of the eruption could be heard as far away as on the Australian continent, and the ash clouds affected the skies in Europe for a week. The Krakatoa explosion decimated the original volcano; a new volcanic cone is developing in the caldera: Anak Krakatoa ('child of Krakatoa') which surfaced in 1928 which still remains active. Located in the Sunda Strait, nature tourism on the new volcanic peak is easily reached from Anyer-Carita beach, about an hour's travel by motor boat. This resort offers nature tours such as camping, hiking, fishing, and snorkelling.

Umang Island
Umang Island has an area of about 5 ha, and located in the tourist area of Pandeglang beach, adjacent to the tourist area of Cape Lesung. This tourist resort is managed by a private company that provides a variety of recreational and entertainment facilities are attractive. On this island, there is a resort that is set up with a natural artistic touch, equipped with meeting rooms, cafe, spa, business center, sunset lounge, beach club, swimming pool and so on. In addition, available facilities and recreational water sports, jogging track, cross country, tennis court, karaoke, and others. We can go to this island with relative ease.

Bird Island
The main attraction of this area is the natural beauty of the ocean reef groups, various types of sea fish, and of course many kinds of birds. Luas kawasan ini sekitar 30 ha. The area is about 30 ha. Every year between April and August, the island is visited by thousands of birds from 60 species originating from various countries. About forty thousand birds are flying from the continent of Australia, Asia, and Africa.

Pulau Dua can be achieved with traditional boat or motor boat in 15 to 30 minutes through the sawah Luhur, Kasemen. in this area, have available the means of electricity networks, telecommunications, and water.

Rawadano or other name Lake Wetlands Nature Preserve is located in Serang district, and is 101 km from Jakarta. This area is an area dominated marshes, there is also a lake. The area is approximately 2,500 hectares of overgrown by various types of trees. The island is a nesting place for various types of animals reptiles, like snakes and crocodiles. No less than 250 species of birds living in this area.

2 komentar:

Asep Blogger mengatakan...

The Amazing land on Banten brother...

Anonim mengatakan...

ayoo kita bumingkan priwisata bumi bantennnn.....
jayalah banten